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Marvelous Monday MotivationViews: 314
Dec 24, 2007 8:18 pm Marvelous Monday Motivation

Rasheed Hooda
A Client of mine asked as to why the LOA is not working for him. Here is my response.U

ntil and unless you are ABSOLUTELY CLEAR on what it is that you want, beyond doubt, you will not be able to attract it in your life. You also need to understand the difference between your DESIRE (that which you want) and the tools (that which you can use to help you bring what you want).

You MUST get absolutely CLEAR about your DESIRE. That is ALL you should spend your time doing, getting CLEAR. You should not worry of concern yourself about the TOOLS.

Let me give you an example. Let us suppose that you want a HOUSE. You should spend all your time getting clear about the FACT that you want a HOUSE. It is the HOUSE that you want.

Now, if you think you will need money (a tool) to buy the house, and start giving your attention to attracting money, you may receive the money by the Law of Attraction. But this money may find other uses and you may still not have your house. Because you were not giving your attention to attracting your desire (HOUSE), you were giving attention to attracting money (the tool), and having acquired the tool you may find many uses for the tool and start using it for other uses. Then you will suddenly realize that the money is all used up, and you still don't have your house and may think that LOA doesn't always work. It worked perfectly.

On the other hand, if you had only given your attention to your DESIRE, you might have found/inherited/won/borrowed the money or something else along the line, and you would have the house, or you may find that someone came to you out of nowhere and offered you a house in return for some of the services you may be able to provide them, that you hadn't even thought of, or you may just happen upon a place where they were building houses and were holding a raffle for those who visited the location and you won your house, or any number of other infinite possibilities, known and unknown through which you get your house.

So my advise to you is simply this. Get CLEAR on WHAT you want and give ALL your ATTENTION to ACCEPTING it as yours in your mind and be grateful that it is ALREADY yours.

Everything you NEED to succeed in life is ALREADY within you, and within this world. When you are CLEAR on WHAT you want, everything else falls in place by divine guidance. You don't have to do anything. Like you said, you have already seen it work in your life and in the life of others, so you know that it is true. If a doubt comes, reject it. That will be your greatest challenge.

Rasheed aka Mister Weirdo
Be Different, Be Yourself

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