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Manifesting With Natural Ease [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Improper ManifestingViews: 296
Oct 19, 2007 7:03 am re: re: Improper Manifesting

Rasheed Hooda

I disagree that when you take inspired action, you take it massively. Inspired action is by definition is one specific action. Massive action, by definition is non specific action in a category.

Let me give you an example. Let us say your goal is to sell X number of widgets to sell this month and you set that as your intention. You get to the office and you sit down to make calls to your prospects. You have a list in front of you. suddenly, one particular name jumps up at you. Inspired action would be to call that one person right then. When you do, it would lead you on a path that would produce more sales than had you went down the list in the order and called that person when you got to his name.

Going down the list is taking massive action. calling out of order is inspired action. When you take inspired action, you are guided to take a certain action at a "Precise" time to set in motion a series of events that would result in you manifesting your goal and it would occur with Natural Ease.

I don't know if you saw the movie "In pursuit of Happyness" but in that movie, Will Smith's character was taking massive action, when he suddenly had the urge to do something opposite of what he was trained to do. He followed his inspiration and called someone, who told him to come on over.

That one contact never bought anything from him and made it clear that he wasn't going to, but he was responsible for many connections he made that ended up in sales. The sales he made were not even on his contact list of people to call and he would not have met these other people had he not taken that ONE inspired action.

Of course, he did not sit around waiting for this to happen, he went about doing what he needed to do on a daily basis. But because of that one action he was selling more rather than taking massive action of calling prospects.

Here is another example of inspired action vs massive action. Let's say you were at a gas station to get some gas and as you were paying for the gas you had the urge to buy a a lottery ticket (which you normally don't buy) you follow the inspiration and buy the ticket and the ticket is a winner (this has happened in real times more times than you will know) Massive action is buying several lottery tickets every day or week in the hope of winning a lottery. You may argue that this is not a good example, but in actuality this is the perfect example of it.

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