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Manifesting With Natural Ease [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Improper ManifestingViews: 316
Oct 20, 2007 9:15 pm Improper Manifesting

Jan-Marie Brooke
Morning Dexter,

You desire to grow a vegetable garden and you have the choice of two parcels of land. One is 1/4 acre and one is 20 acres. Which would you choose?

First you would need to determine WHY you wanted to grow vegetables.

Second you would need to determine WHAT were you going to do with the vegetables after harvest.

Third you would need to determine HOW MANY people would be available to tend the crop from seed to harvest.

Motivational speakers will tell you to imagine the 20 acres or more of vibrant healthy vegetables, to see them on your table and on the table of thousands around the world.

However, there is only you growing this crop. How can you plant thousands and thousands of seeds, water them (when your water allocations is only for one person) and then harvest them. To achieve 100% results from your initial seed planting would require many hands, and great deal of capital and an enormous amount to time.

Whereas if you chose the 1/4 acre block. Turned the earth, prepared it with the vital nutrients and watered it each day. You would end up with more than enough to feed you and your family. There would be not bare spots because you would have carefully prepared the smaller plot with the vital nutrients, nurtured it with water and additional nutrients until harvest. You have time to examine any potential pests that may harm your potential crop. You have time to take the necessary action to ensure your crop is well cared for.

Once you had that in place, THEN you may choose to expand that plot, again with the same methodical dedication. Building, Building on a solid foundation.

Whereas choosing the larger plot and planting seeds in a larger area requires speed, there is no time to go back and lovingly check on each seed - to check in and see if it is keeping up with the rest. Yes in the overall picture the larger plot may reap more crop. But at what cost?

Would not the smaller crop reap more than enough and give you want you really wanted, which is to have food for you and your familie's table. Time to sit and enjoy what you have achieved. Long after the farmer with the smaller crop has stopped for the day to sit and enjoy life, the farmer with the large crop is out there in the fields with the tractor lights on, working 18 - 20 hours a day to beat the rains/droughts that threaten to destroy his entire crop.

I know which I would rather be.


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