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Manifesting With Natural Ease [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Improper ManifestingViews: 334
Oct 21, 2007 8:25 pm re: re: re: Improper Manifesting

Dexter Black
Gooooood Afternoon Rasheed,

I'm not saying I'm not open to anything the Universe wants to give me without having to collect the money for it. I've had it happen many times in my life.

At the same time, I don't depend on everything being provided to me for nothing.

For example, my vision and goal was to get my girlfriend from the Philippines to here with me in the USA.
I envisioned her with me already. I could feel her with me.
In the mean time, I also saved (took action) my money to get her here. I envisioned the paperwork going well. The paperwork went as smooth as can be, and I was able to save enough money to get her here, and low and behold she is now with me. Did I do it the hard way? Should I of not saved my money to get her here, and relied strickly on the "HOW" from the Universe?
I believe in the LOA and eveything The Secret movie has taught. It did leave out something vital though and that is "ACTION". "Faith without works is dead" my friend.
Now IF the Universe decided the "how" was for her to win the Country Visa lottrey or any other way for her to get her here besides for me saving, I would of been more than happy to receive it. I will point out though how the Universe allowed me to save to see my girlfriend when she was in Hong Kong working. Once I declaired that I wanted to go to HK to see her two weeks later, someone at my job came in the lunch room and anounced she had two International vouchers she was selling at a discount if anyone knew of anyone that needed them. WOW! I didn't have the cash on hand, but out of faith talked to her anyhow, and asked if she would consider payments each time I got paid. She agreed and I was able to buy my ticket saving me about $500. The Universe also opened the doors in allowing my girlfriend to find an affordable hotel for us to stay in also. Also a blessing! In this case along with the case of flying her here from the Philippines, the Universe was for sure involved.

Some of my visions/goals are traveling. If the Universe wants to just drop something free into my lap, I'm all for it, but if not; I'm taking action my friend.

We are always blessed,


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