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Marvelous Monday MotivationViews: 292
Nov 12, 2007 12:16 pm Marvelous Monday Motivation

Rasheed Hooda

Trust that you are where you are because you can be no where else.

Trust that you are where you are because is it the most perfect place to be in this moment

Trust that you ate where you are because you have traveled a journey of lifetime, perhaps many lifetimes to get where you are.

Trust that the next step you take will be the most logical and the best choice you could possibly make in the field of all possibilities

Trust that everything around you is there to accommodate and support your decision to take that step, and that everything you need to face the consequences of your action is also there.


I had a beautiful dream last night. I was standing on a platform looking down from what seemed like hundreds of feet above a body of water. A crystal clear body of water. I can see the markings on the bottom of the pool, but it was not a pool, it was an ocean. I stepped forward and it seemed like someone accompanied me to the middle of the pool and released my hand. I was descending straight down feet first towards the body of water, and I remembered the feeling of apprehension from years ago when I dived from the high platform at the city pool when I was in college. I also remembered that I surfaced harmless that day. Totally relaxed, I looked toward the shore, the platform where I will be swimming to once I surfaced.

I took a deep breath as I entered the body of water and then I exhaled. I took another breath and thought I am not supposed to do that but was surprised that instead of water, I was breathing air. The thought crossed my mind that I should be kicking my feet and I was relaxed. I know I can barely swim and the only way I am going to make it to the shore is if I am relaxed.

The next thing I remember is I am pulling myself up on to the platform and as I did, a shark came up to the edge and I thought, “Oh, now you show up.” I showed the minnows on the platform towards the shark and one lands on his nose. I can hear his thoughts, “This is all I get?”

I looked, and nobody was around. No fan fare, no excitement from the crowd that I had accomplished such a great feat. I was talking to a reporter and he was unimpressed because some girl had accomplished the same a few years ago. I knew that already, but this was my victory. It didn’t bother me that no one cared. I knew.

I woke up peacefully and was surprised how easily I was breathing, instead of being stuffed as I normally am when I wake up. I breathed deeply and the word Trust kept ringing in my ear. I wallowed in this blissful feeling. I remembered the story of trust I relate in my keynote speech. I knew I had to get up and write this down for my Marvelous Monday Morning Motivation, even though it is only Sunday Morning.

For years, I have been reluctant to start a newsletter because I was unsure that I can come up with something to write every week. I finally started the Marvelous Monday Motivations on my Network to try it out. I am ready to step forth in faith knowing I can trust that everything will be just right when I relax and let go.

All I need to succeed is within me now!


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