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Marvelous Monday MotivationViews: 270
Dec 28, 2007 9:48 am re: re: re: re: Marvelous Monday Motivation

Marilyn Jenett

The great teacher, Dr. Joseph Murphy, said, "People win cars all the time." :-)

A current example of mine that illustrates Rasheed's well stated points:

For the past year, I was thinking that it would be wonderful to bring my program to the Latino community. I mentioned this several times. (Desire expressed)

But...I do not speak Spanish. I am not connected to the Spanish community, expect for a few students. I have no means of promoting to that community (Tools I did not have)

But in just one month's time...all of the following has occurred...

"Out of the blue" the largest Spanish newspaper decided to publish a feature article on me - although I am not Spanish.

Readers responded (in Spanish) requesting my program en Español

I happened to find a Hispanic/Latino Network here on Ryze and posted for a translator.

A most amazing translator responded who lives in England and in just two short weeks, Marta professionally translated all of my lesson material and web pages. She is highly educated and speaks many forms of Spanish - perfect for giving my program a "neutral" Spanish.

A Latino prosperity student of mine from last year came back into the picture - he speaks educated Spanish and is the live translator for my programs. He is my "right arm" and is committed to making the Spanish program a success and will travel with me as needed.

A doctor I knew casually at my gym over the years runs a medical center that has a large Spanish speaking clientele. He offered to promote my program to those visitors.

The first live program launches on January 14th at the Beverly Hills Country Club in Los Angeles.

All of this happened since November 27th when that article came out. An entirely new world opened up for me - and I had absolutely NO TOOLS to begin the process. What I did have was the belief in the laws of the Universe to "make a way where there is no way."

I wasn't even concentrating on that initial desire to bring my Feel Free to Prosper teaching to Latinos. I had the desire but I had released it. But the Universe/God listened and heard the murmurings of my heart. I did not have to force anything to happen.

The Universe provided every tool, every element that was necessary to bring about the fruition of the desire.

So much for the difference between concentrating on the desire and the tools.

We have the desire.
God provides the tools.

By the way, I am very proud to present:

La página web de Siéntete Libre Para Prosperar (new Spanish section of my website)

La página del Programa Siéntete Libre Para Prosperar? 14 de Enero 2008 (the upcoming program)

¡Muchas, Muchas Gracias, Universe!


Marilyn Jenett, Founder and Mentor, the Feel Free to Prosper Program
Website: http://www.FeelFreetoProsper.com
Ryze Network: http://prosper-network.ryze.com
Programs and Products: http://www.feelfreetoprosper.com/products.html

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett (new win)

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