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Magic number 7?Views: 1230
Mar 24, 2007 7:06 pmMagic number 7?#

Irina Starr
I've noticed that a lot of prosperity teaches price their products so that it ends with "7". For example, $47, $197, etc. Bob Doyle and James Ray follow that principle. Is it just a coincidence or is there some magic to that particular number? (like you'll sell more; it attracts more people to buying it or something like that :-)


"What a man thinks and acts, he becomes." Walter Russell
"All time not spent on love is wasted..." Tasso

Private Reply to Irina Starr

Mar 24, 2007 7:38 pmre: Magic number 7?#

Ernie Martin
Everybody loves "7" in Vegas.:-)), especially on the Crap tables as well as 3x7=21, the Black Jack game.:-)).

When I play a card game, it got to be Black Jack at the casino.:-)).



Get Control of Your Finances
Positive Living and Belief Systems Network Co-Moderator

Private Reply to Ernie Martin

Mar 24, 2007 8:40 pmre: re: Magic number 7?#

Laura Pascucci
Well I also LOVE 7
Born on the 7th of the 7th month
also had a birthday 7-7-77
and this yr will be 07-07- 07

Private Reply to Laura Pascucci

Mar 24, 2007 10:30 pmre: re: re: Magic number 7?#

Rasheed Hooda
Well, this is not related, but my favorite Rock Group Styx released their 7th album on 7-7-77 and it had 7 songs on it. All the original members of the Band had 7 letters in their last name. It was their biggest hit and put them on the map.


Prosperity Mentor and Keynote Speaker
Be Different, Be Yourself!

Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Mar 25, 2007 7:14 pmre: Magic number 7?#

Marilyn Jenett

Hi Irina,

In answer to your original question. Yes, there is a reason. No, there is no magic to the number.

Marketing goes through various trends, and there have been studies done about this.

Remember that it used to be $49.95? or $29.99? (They still exist in some advertising). It seems that psychologically, people really think that is less money than $50 or $30. Personally? I think it's absolutely ridiculous.

But then there was a trend for the number "4". A while later, that transitioned into "7". These numbers were mainly created for Internet marketing.

I didn't buy into it. I kept my prices at $30, $50, $75, $150, $247 when I started my program. After a couple of years, my staff talked me into changing over to the 7s. I was told that statistics prove that this increases sales (it doesn't matter what the number is...as long as you are going with the current "fad"). It seems that the Internet consumer gets used to the current number and responds to it. Anyway, that's what I was told.

I do not like the idea for this reason: I teach a prosperity program. I am teaching people to "raise" their consciousness about money and to learn to receive it. It doesn't seem like "prosperous" thinking to me to be concerned about $3 in a purchase. I feel like this whole concept is manipulating consumers in the market place. Especially numbers like $49.97. That's really ridiculous. I mean. it's 3 cents, people :-)

And if someone is spending $2,000 for a seminar, isn't it rather insulting to advertise it as $1,997? Woo hoo! Three dollars off (give me a break).

I feel like it's an insult to the intelligence of consumers, however, if that is what one must do to appeal to the public, then so be it. I will do it for a few dollars off, but NOT for a few cents. No way.

Usually I will not buy into trends and I don't care about following the herd. But I'm flexible enough to heed sound advice. If using the current fad number will attract someone to my program to better their life, then I have to be open.

Now, having said all that, I just realized something...

I have a teleclass tomorrow (you'll be there, Irina) and it never even entered my mind to charge anything other than a flat $20. It would be an interesting test sometime.
I think it's called "split testing". I will pick a product or program and send out two different versions of the announcement (see my tag line below). One with the flat number and one ending in "7". And see if there is a notable response to the latter.

I have heard of that being done with two different forms of copy or headlines, maybe even two different price points. But I would be interested to see if the round number vs. the "7" makes a real difference.

By the way, it's not just prosperity teachers...it's all Internet sales that follow the trends.

~ Marilyn

P.S. Special Teleclass Tomorrow - Last Minute "Late Bird Special" - $19.97 (Haha)

"Understanding Universal Laws and Prosperity Principles"
Monday, March 26th

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Mar 25, 2007 7:31 pmre: re: Magic number 7?#

Linda Bohrnerud
I was told in a marketing class that charging a price ending with .95, or whatever, made no difference whatsoever. It insults the intelligence of as many people as it fools.


Private Reply to Linda Bohrnerud

Mar 26, 2007 12:51 amre: re: Magic number 7?#

Irina Starr
Great explanation, Marilyn. Thank you! And thank you everyone who responded. Very interesting answers.


"Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star." W. Clement Stone

Private Reply to Irina Starr

May 06, 2007 5:45 pmre: re: re: re: Magic number 7?#

Lou Kronshage

RUN for the Roses....
...Prance for the Queen !!

Don't give up on your dream/vision.
The number "7" horse ("StreetSense")just won the show
.....And what a show it was. Street Sense came from 19th place out of 20 horses on the backstretch, to show the world in a dash of determination, that the number "7" horse was here to deliver a message....."Don't give up!!"
Note; when starting posts where being drawn the owner recieved the number 6 post, but number 7 was availabe, so he took it.
Note 2; When the owner was asked how he felt about "bringing his horse to the Derby", his reply was....
"You don't bring a horse to the Derby, the horse brings you"

Thanks Street Sense for bringing home your message.......

L. Kronshage

PS...Rasheed..My father was a pilot for twenty+ years, I will have to look up the "PilotsPrayer" and send it. Enjoy your flight as you "break the surly bonds of earth"

Private Reply to Lou Kronshage

Jun 12, 2007 9:16 am re: Magic number 7?#

jasvir kaur

in indian scriptures number 7 has lot of importance.

they have mentioned about seven seas, there are seven continents, there is mention about seven skies, all know about seven wonders of the world.

even in hindu scriptures the total number of planets was seven on basis of which they calculate horoscopes.

there is a powerful symbol which is kept in all holy places. it is called SWASTIK. it is actually 7 written in all four directions.

so i think it is on an individual to decide how much importance must be given to a number. i personally just
ackowledge it.

have a great day and enjoy each moment of life. dont go too deep into numbers (just an advice)

take care


Private Reply to jasvir kaur

Jun 17, 2007 6:52 amre: Magic number 7?#

Andras Nagy
By the Pythagoreans the heptad--7--was called "worthy of veneration." It was held to be the number of religion, because man is controlled by seven celestial spirits to whom it is proper for him to make offerings. It was called the number of life, because it was believed that human creatures born in the seventh month of embryonic life usually lived, but those born in the eighth month often died.
One author called it the Motherless Virgin, Minerva, because it was nor born of a mother but out of the crown, or the head of the Father, the monad. Keywords of the heptad are fortune, occasion, custody, control, government, judgment, dreams, voices, sounds, and that which leads all things to their end. Deities whose attributes were expressed by the heptad were Ęgis, Osiris, Mars, and Cleo (one of the Muses).

Private Reply to Andras Nagy

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