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Manifesting With Natural Ease
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The Manifesting With Natural Ease Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts
About this network: ManifestingViews: 719
Apr 02, 2007 5:01 amAbout this network: Manifesting#

Ernie Martin
"One such principle is that of Effortless Creation. When the Creator desires to create something, (S)he simply “utters” the command and creation takes place. There is no trying, no struggle, no working hard."

That's Rasheed's description on Manifesting in the network page.

The words "trying, struggle, working hard", resonates with Western cultural work ethic as well as some Eastern cultures. Imagine "doing it" for the sake of "doing it", will probably reduce or eliminate "working hard".

Just today me and my wife watched the movie "Peaceful Warrior", and I found it to be very inspirational for daily living. There is a connection between this movie and manifesting and how it affects our daily living and beliefs we hold. Living in the present moment and wiping out the defenses/negatives is sure way of achieving or manifest what we desire.

I strongly suggest watching the movie, I want to buy the DVD and give it to my son's to watch it if they haven't seen the movie in a theatre. I'll probably take it to my son's houses and play the DVD and watch it as a family.:-)). I wouldn't mind watching again and again.:-)).


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Positive Living and Belief Systems Network Co-Moderator

Private Reply to Ernie Martin

Apr 02, 2007 2:06 pmre: About this network: Manifesting#

Pat Graham-Block

I saw the movie yesterday also! And loved it!!!

It's a great one for kids and will be buying it and sharing it with my grandkids!!!

It is an interesting way they are launching it with the free movie tickets that were available for this past weekend!

It is my intention that this movie is a BIG HIT! :-)



Private Reply to Pat Graham-Block

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