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Manifesting RealityViews: 1280
Apr 11, 2007 11:30 amManifesting Reality#

Rasheed Hooda
I came across this link by "accident". The term "Manifesting Reality" actually came from the story I read, heard and saw. Take a look.



Prosperity Mentor and Keynote Speaker
Be Different, Be Yourself!

Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Apr 11, 2007 2:52 pmre: Manifesting Reality#

Irina Starr
UNBELIEVABLE... There is someone who believed in his dream and was willing to do anything to see it come to reality. Very inspirational!


Private Reply to Irina Starr

Apr 11, 2007 4:54 pmre: Manifesting Reality#

Cathy Elaine
WOW! The audacity! I've got to see this film.

Private Reply to Cathy Elaine

Apr 13, 2007 8:39 amre: Manifesting Reality#

Marilyn Jenett

Okay, I reviewed it all.

Yes, the guy has chutzpah. I will certainly grant him that.

But I don't think his acting or the film is any good. The production looks very choppy and amateurish and his acting is not "truthful" (if you know about acting, you know what that means.) There was nothing that made me want to watch it or him. I predict he'll get a small cult following but that it won't get the distribution he wants. It ain't "Rocky".

Of course, I could be wrong. Who can account for taste when it comes to the movie-going public. :-)

I was more interested in seeing how he painted faces on grains of rice.

~ Marilyn

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Jun 12, 2007 10:34 amre: Manifesting Reality#

jasvir kaur

i went to Einstien's link - read the article about him. its interesting.

then i went to another link where they say that if you manifest not for yourself but for others then law of attraction helps you out and if you ask only for your own self then you have to work for it with out getting any help from other side.

the concept is very logical because nature is always giving but it is very difficult to have this 'U' attitude always.

if i need a home and i am single how can i say that it will benefit my family?

if i want a car and again i am alone how can i say that it will benefit anyone else other than me.

i dont think that this law is only for people with family.

i want things for myself. when i get them i will definately try to help out others from the surplus i have but till then i will need things for me first.

i will appreciate if anybody could put some light on my doubts.

love and light


Private Reply to jasvir kaur

Jun 12, 2007 11:53 amre: re: Manifesting Reality#

Rasheed Hooda

You wrote: "i went to another link where they say that if you manifest not for yourself but for others then law of attraction helps you out and if you ask only for your own self then you have to work for it with out getting any help from other side."

A Natural Law, by definition, applies to every situation. The Law of gravity for example works just as much for the apple falling from the tree as it applies to the Space Shuttle taking off. The key is in understanding the Law and applying to get the result you want to achieve.

The Natural Law is that you have more of whatever you pay attention to in your life. Manifestation is through intention. Wallace Wattles in his book Science of Getting Rich says, "You can serve God and humanity no better than to make the most of yourself."

You can not give away something you don't have, and you HAVE ALL the resources of the Universe within you. So you can give them away.

"if i want a car and again i am alone how can i say that it will benefit anyone else other than me."

When you buy the car, you contribute to the continued employment of the auto manufacturer employees. You support and benefit the businesses that sell gasoline and other related products. You provide opportunity for someone to clean your car, maintain your car and so on. Many people can and will benefit from your obtaining a car for yourself.

In another post you wrote: "i would like to have a big house with pool, garden, garage and at least three helpers to maintains it and keep it clean."

All of these people will benefit from you having the house.

"i want things for myself. when i get them i will definately try to help out others from the surplus i have but till then i will need things for me first."

I think this is where the errors in your thoughts exist. In order to HAVE you must FIRST give. Giving is done not out of surplus, but out of what you already have. And this kind of giving then becomes the SOURCE of your surplus. A farmer doesn't plant his surplus seeds. He takes out his best seeds FIRST for planting and then uses what he has. As a result he has a bountiful crop from which he takes out the best seed for planting and then uses what he has. This process of giving before receiving is the KEY to multiplication and growth and prosperity.

Thank you for posting your thoughts.


Prosperity Mentor and Keynote Speaker
Be Different, Be Yourself!

Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Jun 12, 2007 7:59 pmre: Manifesting Reality#

jasvir kaur
Hello Mr.Rashid,

Thanks a lot for explaining things to me so nicely.

i will always keep it in mind.

somethings are so obvious and still we miss them out.

thanks a lot once again.

god bless you


Private Reply to jasvir kaur

Aug 29, 2007 9:01 pmre: Manifesting Reality#

Judi Singleton
What a neat link. I appreciate you sharing it. Judi

Judi Singleton
Life coaching and classes available.

Private Reply to Judi Singleton

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