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The power of NOViews: 1130
Apr 15, 2007 3:57 pmThe power of NO#

Susan Graves
I was writing directions out on Friday and I had been listening to The Secret
cd's just before writing the directions.

Have you ever given someone directions either written or verbally?
And they take the turn you told them not to take?

It made me think that by saying don't turn right at the light just go straight.
That the person remembers turn right, they did not hear or see the don't.

My youngest great neice is 17 months and making her mom crazy by doing all
the things mom says no-no don't do that. Children seem to learn the word no very early,
and then seem to love to get that mischiefest (sp?) smile while they do what they
have just been told not to do.

Wow what if we always gave directions without saying don't turn here or told
children what to do instead of what not to do when they are very young. Its a
challenge when the baby learns to push food or drink off the highchair, but what
if it was ignored and instead another action was taken like was their face or
just pick it up, or put them down and let them wipe up the floor?


Private Reply to Susan Graves

Apr 15, 2007 5:11 pmre: The power of NO#

Dawn Khan
Susan I loved this message, because as I type this, my 3 year old is "working" on her Barney Laptop next to me. She has memorized all the 10 numbers, pictures, the colors, and shapes in the "find the--" game... Because she much prefers hearing, "you did it", "good job", or "that's right!" to "please try again". :D

Her will and desire is so strong often she never hears direction contrary to her determined mind. :D

Kids are fun, she is a crack up.. She loves to draw pictures on um everything. Reminding her not to color on the walls, the floor, and our furniture is an exercise in futility. However when she wants to color on paper, if I ask her to remember to color only on the paper and show me her work, she will be very excited to produce the art work.

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Private Reply to Dawn Khan

Apr 18, 2007 7:55 amre: The power of NO#

Cathy Elaine
Wow! What a positive way to look at child-rearing.

Even if the lesson is to keep your food on the high chair, it makes a lot more sense to say it that way than to say, don't throw your food. I can see how the positive statement might carry with it a positive expectation and the negative statement might imply a negative expectation. Maybe the child picks up on the expectation more than the words.


Private Reply to Cathy Elaine

Apr 26, 2007 12:25 pmre: re: The power of NO#

Marilyn Jenett

This goes back to my teachings about the subconscious mind and the fact that it only hears and accepts the DOMINANT words. It filters out the rest.

I believe this may be especially significant for young children as they are so impressionable.

If you say "I won't argue with so and so...", the subconscious mind does not hear the verb. It only hears the dominant word, which is "argue". And that is exactly what it will reproduce for you.

If you say, "Don't get lost." Or "Don't make the left turn," again it only hears "lost" or "left turn."

This knowledge can have life changing consequences...

I have been working with a private student and her husband on several issues, including their desire to stop smoking.

Here is what I explained to them...

You have expressed the desire to stop smoking. So we will not focus on stopping. We will not focus on your becoming a non-smoker. We don’t want the subconscious mind to even hear the word. We will now focus on perfect health and engaging only in health habits.

The wife started using this affirmation:

”I express vibrant health daily.”

A week later in our next session, she told me that even her husband noticed how much less she had smoked that week, since he was the one who usually bought the cigarettes. The dominant thought in her subconscious mind is shifting. She had a swollen growth on her wrist which the doctors thought was an aneurism at first, but this past week since her smoking has decreased, the swelling has gone down and the doctors now can't explain what the growth is.

I believe that the condition was her wake-up call to quit her habit. She agrees.

Always keep in mind that the subconscious only hears your "dominant" words. It can change your life.

Never say you want to get out of debt. Never focus on debt. If you do, you will keep attaching yourself to it.

Always say there is plenty. Always say that you have plenty of money for everything. I don't even like the word "enough". There is more than enough. There is plenty.

See what happens.


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Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

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