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Improper ManifestingViews: 1724
Oct 17, 2007 2:52 amImproper Manifesting#

Mitch Mitchell
Greetings. This is my first post here, but I figured why not, eh?

These days, I'm not manifesting properly, and I know it. There's this thing about manifesting that says our minds have to be in the proper place so that we can achieve what we want in our lives. Well, my mind tells me it knows what I want, but the actions I'm doing aren't leading me to what I want, or need, and that's problematic.

In essence, I've got a lot of positive things going on; however, none of them are bringing in the type of income I had figured they would. That's obviously an issue because one of those things that helps proper manifesting is when the things you're hoping for in your life start coming true, but in the ways you're hoping they will. I'm getting a lot of response from people, being asked to do this and that, hearing some very nice things, but none of them are translating into financial success.

So, I say I'm manifesting improperly, but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the point is to keep building up a wealth of information, building a positive reputation that may lead to great success later on. Maybe all that I'm doing is exactly what it's supposed to be doing, and I just don't know it. But, if that's the case, then am I still manifesting properly, or improperly? I don't really know.

So, who wishes to offer their overall thoughts on this topic?

Mitch Mitchell
T. T. Mitchell Consulting, Inc.
Changing Attitudes and Perceptions for Unlimited Growth

Private Reply to Mitch Mitchell

Oct 17, 2007 5:18 amre: Improper Manifesting#

Rasheed Hooda

Thanks for the post. You always have thought provoking questions. :)

Let me start out with making a bold statement. We are not manifesting anything. Manifestation is the result of natural laws.

When you plant a tomato seed a tomato plant grows. When you plant an apple seed an apple tree grows.

Of course, whether these trees grow or not, or to what extent they are successful in producing fruits may also depend on other circumstances such as soil, climate, and other variables. But one thing you can ALWAYS be sure of, the tomato seed will ALWAYS produce a tomato plant, and an apple seed will ALWAYS produce an apple plant.

This natural process is what I will call Manifestation. It is the natural law of sowing and reaping. There is no compromising in this matter. In other words, we don't manifest anything, we simply set the process in motion.

Now as you are aware, the apple tree takes longer than the tomato tree to grow and produce fruits. There is nothing wrong with either one of them. That's just the way the SYSTEM works. Nothing we can do about it. We cannot get apples from the tomato seed and visa versa. We cannot get them to grow faster or produce fruits sooner than it requires the trees to mature. But it is possible for us to affect the quality and quantity of the fruits that show up. More on that later.

What you manifest will be determined by your initial decision on what it is that you want to manifest. When you find tomato plants in your back yard, but you wanted apple trees, it is not because you manifested improperly. In other words you can look at the end result and tell with certainty what seeds you planted, and similarly you can plant a seed and be assured with certainty what the end result will be.

Now, if you plant apple seeds and you don't see apples growing next year it doesn't mean that you did or are doing anything wrong, or that the manifesting process is not working. It simply means that the process has not reached maturity. You can tell the process is working by the growth of the tree even though it will be several years before you see any apples.

But I don't think that is where your concern is. I think you are concerned that your apple tree is not bearing sufficient fruit, after having reached maturity or at least coming of the age.

That you can control by using the same process of manifestation that applies to apples and tomatoes and applying it to the seeds you plant in the soil of your consciousness. In other words, you can plant prosperity thought seeds of abundance or poverty thought seeds of lack, and the harvest you reap will be according to the seeds planted, and have nothing to do with your beliefs.

What is being manifested is the PROOF of what seeds you have planted, not the ineffectiveness of of the process. If you don't like the results change the foundational thoughts. We don't always get what we want, we ALWAYS get what we expect, and we can never expect anything other than what we planted. And we are never disappointed in that matter. The system works with precise certainty.

I know I have not addressed directly what you are saying in your post, but I wanted to clarify any misunderstanding or misconception relating to Manifestation.

I have interacted with you over the years, Mitch, and I know you have the intellectual capacity to make sense out of what I am saying here. If you need further clarification or have any other questions, feel free to post them here. If you want to discuss it privately, send me a PM.

Rasheed Hooda aka Mister Weirdo
Be Different, Be Yourself!

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Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Oct 17, 2007 6:06 pmre: re: Improper Manifesting#

Dexter Black
Great postings!

If the Apple tree isn't producing enough apples then you'll need to give it some fertle- lizer and water.
(More getting the word out in different ways on a consistant bases). Action must be taken along with what you envision.


Private Reply to Dexter Black

Oct 17, 2007 6:43 pmre: re: re: Improper Manifesting#

Rasheed Hooda

Thanks for jumping in with your comment.

While making sure that the soil is sufficiently fertile and receives enough water is necessary, MORE is not ALWAYS the right answer. Do you recall anyone in your elementary school who "drowned" their seedling in an effort to make it grow faster? Proper balance, patience and expectancy is what will determine the quality and quantity of your crop.

Some time the BEST the action is INACTION. See my post on Awakening Intuition.

Rasheed aka Mister Weirdo
Be Different! Be Yourself!

Sign up for my Newsletter here http://www.misterweirdo.com/
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Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Oct 18, 2007 5:11 amre: re: re: re: Improper Manifesting#

Dexter Black
Yes indeed.

There is a time and season for everything under the sun.
I've found a lot of people in their misunderstanding of LOA, is they think all they ever have to do is "think". Action is required in the formula of success. "Faith without works is dead". As Tony Robbins would put it "Massive Action is needed for success". Many times we sit waiting for the "perfect timing" when we should be out taking inspired action even if we don't know the next step, knowing that God will open the doors as we step out. Inch by inch anything is a cinch-Robert Schuler
And I must agree with you also, there is a time where we have taken all the steps we can take and its time just sit down and do simply nothing but be grateful for all.


Private Reply to Dexter Black

Oct 18, 2007 12:20 pmre: re: re: re: re: Improper Manifesting#

Rasheed Hooda

you seem to be saying that taking Massive Action and taking Inspired Action are the same thing, when in reality they are opposite of each other. Care to elaborate?


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Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Oct 18, 2007 6:55 pm Improper Manifesting#

Jan-Marie Brooke
Good Morning Rasheed, Dexter and Mitch,

Way before the Secret hit the airwaves I had pondered on the subject:-

What makes one person appear successful, whilst another experiences limited success - yet both studying and implementing similar strategies,

It has taken me on quite a journey.

I will not post all that I have learnt, however I will say that when we set an intent for a desire, we send a request to the Universe. IE We write up an order and fax it to the fulfilment department IE Universe/GOD or for some the Law of Attraction/Impersonal Law

What we do not usually take into consideration is that what we ask for, may not be 100% in alignment with who we are at the time of that request.

If we are not 100% in alignment with this request, then what happens is that the request is logged in. Then another fax is sent to our Higher Self advising of this request, with instructions on what is necessary to bring US into 100% alignment with the request/order.

This is when the fun begins. What may have been an innocent request/desire starts a whole journey of transformation. To be in 100% alignment we need to clear whatever is blocking the manifested reality of the request.

Depending on each individuals particular journey,will determine how deep a person needs to transform to manifest what they desire. For some it may manifest relatively easy, yet others need to peel layer upon layer of similar patterns back through generations of time to reach the goal.

The key is to set the intent. Then put in place inspired action AND at the same time, a daily discipline of clearing whatever the subconscious mind is bringing to the surface so that the desire can manifest.

It is the last bit, (which is a very important step) that most gloss over.

Then it is trust and detachment, as Rasheed mentioned, it is not about going out and pushing and pulling on the new shoot TRYING to make it happen. It is about grace, gratitude and allowing. Trusting that your order had been received, logged and is on the journey toward you now. It will arrive, when it arrives.

It is not about 100% focus ON the desire. Once the order has been logged, it is time to take the next step, Desired Action. Which means you do whatever you need to bring YOURSELF into balance and alignment.

This may mean detoxing the body, mind and spirit, then nurturing and nourishing it. Then checking in to see what needs to be emotionally transformed, which in turn changes the subconscious patterning, and at the same time remaining detached, in trust and in gratitude.

Desired Action


Private Reply to Jan-Marie Brooke

Oct 18, 2007 9:11 pmre: Improper Manifesting#

Dexter Black
Good stuff Jan, as usual. Thanks for your input.
Enjoying it all.

My point Rasheed is, once you have the green light for inspired action, to take it right away and take it massively.



Private Reply to Dexter Black

Oct 19, 2007 1:56 am Improper Manifesting#

Jan-Marie Brooke
Hi Dexter,


With regard to using massive action. Hmmm I am not so sure about that - it really depends on what you mean by it.

When we focus 100% upon the goal, we often are so caught up in the action we forget to check in and monitor the sometimes subtle clues that the subconscious mind is sending to us. If we ignor these subtle clues then it can actually accumulate into a huge block.

I believe it is about spending some time each day in focus, action and gratitude and then getting on with the day, preferably in a creative action. This then keeps the heart open and us in the flow.

Each time I have put in massive action it has actually turned upside down for me. This year has taught me to let go and allow my dreams to manifest in Universal time.

Take care
PS my name is Jan-Marie not Jan

Private Reply to Jan-Marie Brooke

Oct 19, 2007 7:03 amre: re: Improper Manifesting#

Rasheed Hooda

I disagree that when you take inspired action, you take it massively. Inspired action is by definition is one specific action. Massive action, by definition is non specific action in a category.

Let me give you an example. Let us say your goal is to sell X number of widgets to sell this month and you set that as your intention. You get to the office and you sit down to make calls to your prospects. You have a list in front of you. suddenly, one particular name jumps up at you. Inspired action would be to call that one person right then. When you do, it would lead you on a path that would produce more sales than had you went down the list in the order and called that person when you got to his name.

Going down the list is taking massive action. calling out of order is inspired action. When you take inspired action, you are guided to take a certain action at a "Precise" time to set in motion a series of events that would result in you manifesting your goal and it would occur with Natural Ease.

I don't know if you saw the movie "In pursuit of Happyness" but in that movie, Will Smith's character was taking massive action, when he suddenly had the urge to do something opposite of what he was trained to do. He followed his inspiration and called someone, who told him to come on over.

That one contact never bought anything from him and made it clear that he wasn't going to, but he was responsible for many connections he made that ended up in sales. The sales he made were not even on his contact list of people to call and he would not have met these other people had he not taken that ONE inspired action.

Of course, he did not sit around waiting for this to happen, he went about doing what he needed to do on a daily basis. But because of that one action he was selling more rather than taking massive action of calling prospects.

Here is another example of inspired action vs massive action. Let's say you were at a gas station to get some gas and as you were paying for the gas you had the urge to buy a a lottery ticket (which you normally don't buy) you follow the inspiration and buy the ticket and the ticket is a winner (this has happened in real times more times than you will know) Massive action is buying several lottery tickets every day or week in the hope of winning a lottery. You may argue that this is not a good example, but in actuality this is the perfect example of it.

Be Differnt, Be Yourself!

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Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Oct 19, 2007 7:07 amre: Improper Manifesting#

Rasheed Hooda

So good to see you. Happy to know you're still around and reading the posts. I know things have been slow of late. Thank you for your pearls of wisdom.


Thanks for starting the thread. Like I said you always ask thought provoking questions, and that is what starts a discussion that leads to learning for everyone.


Sign up for my Newsletter here http://www.misterweirdo.com/
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Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Oct 19, 2007 11:26 amre: re: Improper Manifesting#

jasvir kaur
Namaste Everybody,

i would like to thank you all, specially Mr.Rasheed for elaborate explanations.

i am not an expert in this field but i have always felt help coming to me from Univeral devine power. i have always got what i desired.

earlier, i did not know about it so i manifested many undesirable things. now, i am aware and would like to always be right in manifesting.

i have some dreams, which were not materialinzing. your example of trees bearing fruit at different time period is very encouraging. i understand now. you have actually cleared my doubts.

thanks a lot

god bless you all.


Private Reply to jasvir kaur

Oct 20, 2007 5:08 pmre: re: Improper Manifesting#

Mitch Mitchell
First, glad I started a thread that's gotten so much attention.

Second, I easily understand what you're saying, Rasheed. I'm not going to say I totally agree, but I know where you're coming from.

The only point I might disagree upon is actually the first one, that being that no one manifests anything. If I believed that, then I wouldn't believe in the principles of The Secret, as it would seem that natural laws would take over and nothing I did means a single thing because it's somewhat predestined to happen a certain way. I know that's not what you're saying, but it can be interpreted that way, which is why I would never say it.

Now, after making that statement, I will say that there is this process of growing the fruits, as you say, that will ultimately, if one is diligent, lead to those things one might wish to have in their lives. I have had periods in the last six years, the period of time I've been working for myself, where everything seems to have stagnated or even gone backwards, and other times when everything seems to be progressing without anything to stand in its way. Right now I feel as though I'm in a process of contradiction, as part of my business is slow, and yet, on Monday, I will be giving my first keynote presentation to a national organization out of state.

There comes this realization that no one can have perfection at all times, but there's also this other feeling that I'm not always in total control of my situations, even though I wish to be. Maybe that type of control is a fantasy; I want it anyway.

So, there you go. At least, right now, I'm in a better mind frame than the day I wrote it, and that's the most important thing.

Mitch Mitchell
T. T. Mitchell Consulting, Inc.
Changing Attitudes and Perceptions for Unlimited Growth

Private Reply to Mitch Mitchell

Oct 20, 2007 7:14 pmre: re: re: Improper Manifesting#

Dexter Black
Thank you all for your posts. I know I enjoy it, eat it on up like a boy in a candy store, except this stuff is more healthy, but just as yummy. lol.

Maybe I'm thinking of "massive action" in a different format.
Would you agree, if you were inspired to make money by planting a Apple tree, that planting 10, would be better than planting 1? That's basically what I mean by massive action.
The Bible teaches to sow abundantly. Why? Because some will fall on hard ground, some will be eaten by the birds, some will spring up and wither away, and others will fall on good ground and produce good fruit. This is all on the same field mind you. I also know this from experience in planting lawns from seed, which I've done a lot in the past. The more grass seed you sow the better. You if don't sow enough you end up with bare spots, which will fill in with time or more seed, but to get a even looking lawn to start with, lots of seed is good. So by your example, if I didn't know what field to plant in, I would need to be inspired to not waste my seed, and by my example once I am inspired which field to plant in, that's where I put my hand to it with lots of seed.


Private Reply to Dexter Black

Oct 20, 2007 9:15 pm Improper Manifesting#

Jan-Marie Brooke
Morning Dexter,

You desire to grow a vegetable garden and you have the choice of two parcels of land. One is 1/4 acre and one is 20 acres. Which would you choose?

First you would need to determine WHY you wanted to grow vegetables.

Second you would need to determine WHAT were you going to do with the vegetables after harvest.

Third you would need to determine HOW MANY people would be available to tend the crop from seed to harvest.

Motivational speakers will tell you to imagine the 20 acres or more of vibrant healthy vegetables, to see them on your table and on the table of thousands around the world.

However, there is only you growing this crop. How can you plant thousands and thousands of seeds, water them (when your water allocations is only for one person) and then harvest them. To achieve 100% results from your initial seed planting would require many hands, and great deal of capital and an enormous amount to time.

Whereas if you chose the 1/4 acre block. Turned the earth, prepared it with the vital nutrients and watered it each day. You would end up with more than enough to feed you and your family. There would be not bare spots because you would have carefully prepared the smaller plot with the vital nutrients, nurtured it with water and additional nutrients until harvest. You have time to examine any potential pests that may harm your potential crop. You have time to take the necessary action to ensure your crop is well cared for.

Once you had that in place, THEN you may choose to expand that plot, again with the same methodical dedication. Building, Building on a solid foundation.

Whereas choosing the larger plot and planting seeds in a larger area requires speed, there is no time to go back and lovingly check on each seed - to check in and see if it is keeping up with the rest. Yes in the overall picture the larger plot may reap more crop. But at what cost?

Would not the smaller crop reap more than enough and give you want you really wanted, which is to have food for you and your familie's table. Time to sit and enjoy what you have achieved. Long after the farmer with the smaller crop has stopped for the day to sit and enjoy life, the farmer with the large crop is out there in the fields with the tractor lights on, working 18 - 20 hours a day to beat the rains/droughts that threaten to destroy his entire crop.

I know which I would rather be.


Private Reply to Jan-Marie Brooke

Oct 21, 2007 12:46 amre: Improper Manifesting#

Dexter Black
Hi Jan Marie,

It would all depend on intention as you first stated Jan Maire.
I myself since I have a lot of dreams and goals, it's going to take a lot of money to fulfill them, so I better be thinking Big.
We have at our finger tips a opportunity to build a business as big as we desire on the internet. It is my prayer that everyone that desire to prosper, be able to do so with their right thoughts and actions both online and off.

We are always blessed,


Private Reply to Dexter Black

Oct 21, 2007 2:07 amre: re: Improper Manifesting#

Rasheed Hooda

>>I myself since I have a lot of dreams and goals, it's going to take a lot of money to fulfill them, so I better be thinking Big.

>>We have at our finger tips a opportunity to build a business as big as we desire on the internet.


Let me see if I understand you correctly. What you are saying is that you have BIG DREAMS (and I applaud you for that), that you intend to fulfill them by making a lot of money (your HOW to fulfill the dreams) and that you are taking advantage of an opportunity to build a business on the internet to create the money (your HOW to fulfill the first HOW)

May I suggest that you read the following article to cut out the middle man (metaphorically speaking).


Rasheed aka Mister Weirdo

Sign up for my Newsletter here http://www.misterweirdo.com/
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Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Oct 21, 2007 8:25 pmre: re: re: Improper Manifesting#

Dexter Black
Gooooood Afternoon Rasheed,

I'm not saying I'm not open to anything the Universe wants to give me without having to collect the money for it. I've had it happen many times in my life.

At the same time, I don't depend on everything being provided to me for nothing.

For example, my vision and goal was to get my girlfriend from the Philippines to here with me in the USA.
I envisioned her with me already. I could feel her with me.
In the mean time, I also saved (took action) my money to get her here. I envisioned the paperwork going well. The paperwork went as smooth as can be, and I was able to save enough money to get her here, and low and behold she is now with me. Did I do it the hard way? Should I of not saved my money to get her here, and relied strickly on the "HOW" from the Universe?
I believe in the LOA and eveything The Secret movie has taught. It did leave out something vital though and that is "ACTION". "Faith without works is dead" my friend.
Now IF the Universe decided the "how" was for her to win the Country Visa lottrey or any other way for her to get her here besides for me saving, I would of been more than happy to receive it. I will point out though how the Universe allowed me to save to see my girlfriend when she was in Hong Kong working. Once I declaired that I wanted to go to HK to see her two weeks later, someone at my job came in the lunch room and anounced she had two International vouchers she was selling at a discount if anyone knew of anyone that needed them. WOW! I didn't have the cash on hand, but out of faith talked to her anyhow, and asked if she would consider payments each time I got paid. She agreed and I was able to buy my ticket saving me about $500. The Universe also opened the doors in allowing my girlfriend to find an affordable hotel for us to stay in also. Also a blessing! In this case along with the case of flying her here from the Philippines, the Universe was for sure involved.

Some of my visions/goals are traveling. If the Universe wants to just drop something free into my lap, I'm all for it, but if not; I'm taking action my friend.

We are always blessed,


Private Reply to Dexter Black

Oct 21, 2007 9:23 pmre: re: re: re: Improper Manifesting#

Rasheed Hooda

I didn't say action is not necessary. It is absolutely necessary. Wattles says in SOGR that with thought you create what you want, with action you receive it. He also says that failing to apply action to your thoughts is where many a people meet their shipwreck.

Where you and I have differences, and it may be simply a difference of linguistics or a difference of understanding, is concerning "massive action" In my opinion and experience, the action has to be "effective" not necessarily "massive". Massive refers to quantity, where as effective refers to the quality. But we both agree that action is necessary.

Also, there is the matter of focusing or expending energy. What I am saying is that if you were to expend your energy on experiencing the life you want as you want it, in your imagination rather than expending your energy on creating the circumstances that you think will bring about the life you want, you would get better results. I agree that you will get the results both ways. It is just that one is easier than the other. Based on what you have described here about you and your girlfriend, you already know that.

Sometimes, it is hard to let go of old habits of constantly working, i.e. "massive action", rather than working when we need to, "inspired action", and being happy in the meantime.

Remember, that there are no problems, obstacles, or challenges. There is only the Highest Good. ALWAYS!


Sign up for my Newsletter here http://www.misterweirdo.com/
Free e book here http://www.asamanthinketh.net/?kbid5639
and here http://www.scienceofgettingrich.net/gifts/just_4u.html

Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Oct 21, 2007 10:29 pmre: re: re: re: re: Improper Manifesting#

Dexter Black
Hi Rasheed,

Peace and many blessings to you.
Thank you for your insite.
I'll agree with you 1/2 way on the massive action.

Look at it like this: You have 20 ducks gathered together that you need to shoot. You can either shoot each of them one by one with your riffle, or you can get em all with a shotgun. Or perhaps looking at it at through your eyes, if all the ducks were lined up in one single line, one bullit from your high powered riffle could go through all of them at once. hehehehe


Private Reply to Dexter Black

Oct 21, 2007 10:53 pm Improper Manifesting#

Jan-Marie Brooke
Morning Dexter,

A disturbing example.

I agree with Rasheed I believe you are missing the subtle, yet powerful difference.

However, thank you for the gift. I have always been a visionary and see way too big a picture. The gift has been for me to really own and pay attention to what is right in front of me and build a solid foundation on that, instead of always having my focus on the big picture.

Once everything is bedded in and working at its optimal best, then I can expand.

My experience with people who are out there - totally focused on planting seeds - is that they miss the subtle clues, in other words put a lot of time and energy into making it happen, but fall short of the dream.

Good luck
over and out

Private Reply to Jan-Marie Brooke

Oct 21, 2007 11:14 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: Improper Manifesting#

Rasheed Hooda

A simple question.

Why do I need to shoot the 20 ducks?


Sign up for my Newsletter here http://www.misterweirdo.com/
Free e book here http://www.asamanthinketh.net/?kbid5639
and here http://www.scienceofgettingrich.net/gifts/just_4u.html

Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Oct 22, 2007 12:15 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: Improper Manifesting#

Dexter Black
Well..now a days you don't. Just go to the store.

Private Reply to Dexter Black

Oct 28, 2007 6:15 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Improper Manifesting#

Judi Singleton
This is what I have learned about the law of attraction. When I have completely convinced myself that I can have and should have what I want it appears. Not in the way that I might have imagined it but it appears. For some reason I have more resistence for somethings than others. The other thing that I have learned is persistance it is the hardest to be persistant and to claim say health when my body appears sick. It is hard to claim riches when appearances are we are broke. But if one persists just about the time others give up it appears. Just my experinece. Love to all of you, Judi

Judi Singleton
Life coaching and classes available.

Private Reply to Judi Singleton

Oct 28, 2007 5:58 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Improper Manifesting#

Dexter Black
Love to you too Judi. Great to see you!
May all the things you want to Manifest come to you.


Private Reply to Dexter Black

Oct 28, 2007 7:01 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Improper Manifesting#

Rasheed Hooda
Great to see you jump in Judi, Thank you, and God bless you.


Sign up for my Newsletter here http://www.misterweirdo.com/
Free e book here http://www.asamanthinketh.net/?kbid5639
and here http://www.scienceofgettingrich.net/gifts/just_4u.html

Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Oct 29, 2007 9:26 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Improper Manifesting#

Marilyn Jenett

I think I will jump in too :-)

You see, this thing about manifesting can be summed up in a statement that was taught to me by the late great Dr. Joseph Murphy.

And this discussion seems to be so intense and analytical that I just feel like it's begging me to come in to disrupt it. Haha.

All kidding aside, I am going to post something that I sent out this week to my newsletter subscribers, then posted on my network. Several wrote to tell me how it opened up their understanding about why they were not attracting what they wanted, so it seems like a perfect time to share here.

Instead of hijacking the thread here, I'm going to post it in a new thread titled...

"You Don't Attract What You Want. You Attract What You Are."

I hope you come to realize as I finally did how this is the key to manifestation...

(I'm sure you've seen it already Rasheed)


Feel Free to Prosper

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Oct 29, 2007 9:41 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Improper Manifesting#

Marilyn Jenett

Footnote...as for the subject, "Improper" Manifesting...

I don't think such a thing can exist. Manifesting - as I think Rasheed had mentioned - is the result of natural law. And a law is a law - immutable, absolute. So then, manifesting cannot be improper.

The law is always proper, always correct, always precise.

But it is OUR use of the law that can be misdirected. And the result is still always perfect :-) As far as the law and manifesting is concerned, that is.

If we intended to manifest a watermelon, but we planted a tomato seed, we would get a tomato. That was not improper manifesting. The manifestation was perfect. In perfect alignment with the law.

But our use of the law was misdirected and did not give us the result we wanted. Thelaw was manifesting properly.

So we want a watermelon. Then we better plant watermelon seeds. The result will still be perfect. But we will be much happier.


Feel Free to Prosper

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Oct 29, 2007 10:11 pmre: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Improper Manifesting#

Dexter Black
Hi M!

Nice to see you.
I enjoyed your article "You Don't Attract What You Want. You Attract What You Are."

It brought back to memory what my old Pastor use to say to us "A church will only grow as big as it's Pastor".


Private Reply to Dexter Black

Nov 02, 2007 7:23 pmMarilyn: re: Improper Manifesting#

Mitch Mitchell
Hi Marilyn,

It's been a long time. You and Rasheed have talked about this "natural law", and I have to say that I'm unsure what you're both talking about. Not that I haven't read up on it, but, when reading about it, well, it's just confusing as sin.

See, Wikipedia says this: "Natural law or the law of nature (Latin: lex naturalis) is an ethical theory that posits the existence of a law whose content is set by nature and that therefore has validity everywhere." Notwithstanding the confusion that comes up with the term, whether you're talking Aristotle or Hobbes, it seems that this concept of natural law is in dispute even with the great thinkers, or those that we consider as historical great thinkers. So, if they are disagreeing with each other, in a sense (after all, Hobbes has 9 laws for the law), it's no wonder it's confusing to someone like me.

Now, to me, that talks about something physical, and if that's the case, then your example of the watermelon and the tomato works pretty well. But, when we start talking about emotions and the like, it seems that there is no one standard that everything else builds off of. If I were to believe that my life was already set by nature, and that's that, then does that mean a poor person will always be poor because that's what their life was set as by nature? Or is that looking way too literally into it?

At the same time, if we decide that we like the idea of positive thought, or even the law of attraction, and say that what we think and how we react to what we think determines better the type of life that we're going to lead, or, to define the term "manifest" as "making something appear distinctly", then it would seem that one could indeed manifest improperly by thinking improper thoughts about the events that impact them. Even in the movie The Secret, they showed the example of how one person, waking up to start their day, can respond to the first impetus of the day and, depending on whether they go with the flow or react in a negative manner, will decide how their day, and possibly their life, will go.

Yeah, there's a lot of philosophy embedded here, but overall, I tend to believe that if I can channel more things in a positive manner, then more positive things come my way. At the same time, just going positive isn't enough for me if I want to bring wealth into my life; I'm okay right now, but I'm not close to what I consider as financially rich yet, which is where I want to be. And of course you teach that; if one isn't meant to figure out how to manifest their thoughts in a proper manner, then could they ever really achieve anything by your teachings?

Just more stuff to think about. Love ya, kid! :-)

T. T. "Mitch" Mitchell
T. T. Mitchell Consulting
http://www.ttmitchellconsulting.com /Mitchblog
Changing Attitudes and Perceptions for Unlimited Growth

Private Reply to Mitch Mitchell

Nov 03, 2007 1:08 pmre: Marilyn: re: Improper Manifesting (Mitch)#

Marilyn Jenett


As I mentioned in a post above...too much analyzing!

A women asked Edison what electricity was. He answered, "Madame, it just is. Use it."

You could spend a lifetime studying whatever the science of electricity is. Or you can step out on faith, turn on the switch and light up your life.

Fortunately, understanding these Universal laws does not have to be so complicated - really - but if you keep trying to analyze something that you are not grasping, then you are missing out on the opportunity to just accept that "it is" and "use it."

This reminds of something I wrote a few years ago in a letter and my designer put it on my website under "Marilyn's Views:"

“In skimming, I can only say one thing with certainty. Our spiritual connection to God/the Universe/Divine Mind/Infinite Intelligence (whatever you choose to call it) cannot be recognized through the intellect. It can be known about through the intellect, but it can't be known. It can only be experienced through intuition and feeling. And once it is recognized, once you become aware of that Presence and its responsiveness to you, you can never be the same. Once you learn to align yourself with the laws and that Presence, you have achieved Spiritual Intelligence - true intelligence."

- Marilyn's note to a friend 2004

Now what I am saying in that note...and what I say to my students, is...the way that we know that these the "law" exists, is by its responsiveness to us. That's all we need to know.

If someone shakes an apple off a tree and it lands on your head, you don't have to understand physics and the law of gravity. The responsiveness of that law showed you that it existed. Step off a tall building and I promise you, you'll believe in its existence. :-)

I don't care what The Secret said. You can interpret it any way you want. If someone creates wrong results, they are not manifesting improperly. They are manifesting exactly according to the their thoughts and feelings - their core beliefs. They are just not manifesting what they want. But I still believe that the manifestation process is working perfectly. But I think we're talking semantics here.

Yes, you may be taking things too literally. Even in that other area of law - legal - there is a saying that is quite profound:

"The law is more important than the letter of the law."

So to me, the first order of the day is "using" and "applying", not speculating and analyzing. It does take faith, not academics, but if there is enough apparent evidence that the rewards are there, if there are enough great minds saying the same thing, isn't it worth the gamble to test it?

With regard to "natural law"...well, yes, you can get confused if you attempt to understand the relationship of the physical with the mental and the spiritual. But quantum physics has proven the relationship. Did anybody understand energy and matter before Einstein came up with a theory? Does anyone still understand it?

Instead of reading the philosophers to learn about manifesting - read the results and testimonials in the literature of all the great teachers of these laws. If something works over and over and over again - if there are consistent results, we can assume that there is some kind of law at work, even if that law hasn't been scientifically proven. But it now has...

Thought becomes matter - quantum physics has proven this. But we don't have to become quantum physicists.

As in heaven, so on earth. Spirit becomes matter. Thoughts become things. Anything that has ever existed in the physical was first a thought form.

A poor person will always remain poor ONLY if he believes that his thoughts were set by nature or that it was "meant" to be. That's ignorance of the laws. Plenty of poor people have become rich. So you can't blame poverty on laws that don't work. You can blame it on not working the laws.

Natural law with regard to manifesting is the same whether on a physical or mental or spiritual level. To avoid confusion, call the non-physical mental law, spiritual law or "Universal law."

To me it is very natural indeed. When you align yourself with the law and manifest what you want, it doesn't even seem to be like manifesting. The result comes and often it feel so natural, so organic, like it's always been that way or like it was supposed to be that way. You can't get any more natural than that.

But it's all the same. Here are two analogies that might help you understand:

This first is from my lessons:

Marriage of the Conscious and Subconscious Minds

Here is an analogy that my students love that I share often with regard to manifesting our desires by creating agreement between the conscious and subconscious minds.
Think of the conscious mind as the husband, the assertive male aspect of mind. The husband impregnates the wife, the receptive female aspect of mind. When the subconscious becomes impregnated with the new seed thought, the new idea… then from this union, children are born. These children are your answered prayers, your desired results.
It is through this marriage of the conscious and subconscious minds - when they BOTH agree on an idea - that the idea will become manifest.

So we must now teach the husband how to impregnate the wife :-)

We make a decision with our conscious mind. We use our conscious mind to instill this idea into the subconscious until it is accepted. Once the seed has been accepted in the soil of mind, it will grow and manifest just as the seed planted in the ground will become a plant or a flower. First, we do our job and plant the seed. We nurture the soil with positive thoughts and expectation. Then we turn the job over to Universal Mind - to the creative forces. We can relax and let go. Our manifestation will come. There is no such thing as “half pregnant”. Our baby will be born.

Here is a post from the other day on another Ryze network.
The person who started the thread asked:

In your idustry do you see a GARDEN when others see NOTHING?

I didn't take time to write a long answer, but shared this:

In my industry, there is a real garden - it's a mental garden. And I describe the process of "mental gardening" as follows:

Planting our seeds in our subconscious soil
Watering them with faith and expectation
Clearing and eliminating the weeds
And in perfect Universal timing...
We bear fruit.

What my Feel Free to Prosper program does is teach people how to cultivate their garden. My students are fruit lovers. :-)

[end of post]

So, Mitch, I'm sending love right back at 'ya, but I'd sure be a lot more pleased if you would just break down and start a Feel Free to Prosper program instead of consistently analyzing the laws. I would rather see you apply something and get a response - so that you won't need all that intellectual "proof" or academic understanding.

You would be living it!! Once you had a taste of the laws responding to you, then you can build on that faith and on your new understanding to create more and more prosperity, even wealth - if that's truly what you want to manifest.

As long as - in your thoughts - you remain looking out at all the wealth and prosperity that appears out of reach, you won't attain it. You have to be it on the inside - in your consciousness - one who has achieved it - in thought and feeling. And than you can look out and see all those people out there scratching their heads analyzing what the laws are all about.

But you will be living it.


Feel Free to Prosper

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Nov 03, 2007 2:08 pmre: re: Marilyn: re: Improper Manifesting (Mitch)#

Rasheed Hooda
Wow, That explains why you are the teacher and I am the student, still. Thank you Marilyn for that wonderful "explanation".


Sign up for my Newsletter here http://www.misterweirdo.com/
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and here http://www.scienceofgettingrich.net/gifts/just_4u.html

Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Nov 03, 2007 2:56 pmre: re: Marilyn: re: Improper Manifesting (Mitch)#

Mitch Mitchell
I'll say this for you, Marilyn, you ARE the master seller. :-)

Mitch Mitchell
T. T. Mitchell Consulting, Inc.
Changing Attitudes and Perceptions for Unlimited Growth

Private Reply to Mitch Mitchell

Nov 03, 2007 4:28 pmre: Improper Manifesting#

Lindy Asimus
Jan-Marie, you write:
>> I have always been a visionary and see way too big a picture. The gift has been for me to really own and pay attention to what is right in front of me and build a solid foundation on that, instead of always having my focus on the big picture.

If your big picture is not right in front of you...where is it?


Private Reply to Lindy Asimus

Nov 04, 2007 1:07 amre: re: re: Marilyn: re: Improper Manifesting (Mitch)#

Rasheed Hooda

I think you totally missed the point in Marilyn's post.

Yes, she did tell you to take her course, but I don't think she was trying to sell you on it. As I see it, she was getting you to experience the difference between analyzing and knowing first hand.

I can tell you this from experience, what the self KNOWS cannot be communicated accurately by the intellect. The dilemma is best expressed by an Indian Poet in a song I heard some35 years ago, and let me see if I can do justice to his words in translation.

I have envisioned thy beauty,
But do I sing thy praises how?
For my tongue is incapable of seeing,
My eyes unable to speak.

Don't miss out on a personal experience of enormous proportions, simply because you think you are being sold on something.


Sign up for my Newsletter here http://www.misterweirdo.com/
Free e book here http://www.asamanthinketh.net/?kbid5639
and here http://www.scienceofgettingrich.net/gifts/just_4u.html

Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Nov 04, 2007 2:09 amre: re: re: re: Marilyn: re: Improper Manifesting (Mitch)#

Marilyn Jenett

Oh, how I love synchronicity!!!

I just happened to see Linda Miller's post with a link to her blog...she has the recording AND the text of "The Strangest Secret" by Earl Nightengale.

Earl Nightengale was truly the "master seller" - you have heard of Nightengale-Conant, right?

Mitch, I never heard or read "The Strangest Secret" before and yet Nightengale over 50 years ago was saying the same things that I said above and he talks about these "laws of nature" in no uncertain terms.

So, please run, don't walk to listen and read his classic...perhaps he will get the point across much better than I.

Thank you, Rasheed, for support here, but I didn't take it that Mitch was really serious or that he really thought I was doing all that to sell my program. I don't think anyone would think a rational person would spend that much time attempting to "educate" or open someone's mind - for $147 :-)

Yesterday VANA, the Virtual Assistants Networking Association, sent out the announcement to their 7,300 members about the teleclass I'm doing for them on 12/4, so with the registrations coming in, I don't need to spend any time "selling" my program.

I really wanted to help and if it falls on deaf ears, that's okay, too.


Feel Free to Prosper

Private Reply to Marilyn Jenett

Nov 04, 2007 2:21 amRasheed: re: re: re: Marilyn: re: Improper Manifesting (Mitch)#

Mitch Mitchell
Hi Rasheed,

No, I didn't miss the point; I'm not quite that dumb.

Mitch Mitchell
T. T. Mitchell Consulting, Inc.
Changing Attitudes and Perceptions for Unlimited Growth

Private Reply to Mitch Mitchell

Nov 04, 2007 2:24 amMarilyn: re: re: re: re: Marilyn: re: Improper Manifesting (Mitch)#

Mitch Mitchell
Hi Marilyn,

I subscribe to the daily motivational email, and I check out the site from time to time. I haven't caught that specific missive yet, but I'll have to pop over to take a look when I get a chance.

Mitch Mitchell
T. T. Mitchell Consulting, Inc.
Changing Attitudes and Perceptions for Unlimited Growth

Private Reply to Mitch Mitchell

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