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Marvelous Monday MotivationViews: 955
Nov 05, 2007 2:59 pmMarvelous Monday Motivation#

Rasheed Hooda
Stretch Your Comfort Zones

“A mind once stretched, can never return to its original dimension.” --- Oliver Wendell Holmes

When was the last time you allowed your mind to be stretched?

When was the last time you did something you NEVER thought you could possibly do?

Last week I was presented with an opportunity that in the past I either would have politely declined, or would have given justification (read: made excuses) for not taking it. But this time I not only chose to accept it, I accepted it with enthusiasm and made a decision that I will be a success doing it. As a result, I made more money last week than I had ever made in a week.

But that is not the yardstick by which I am measuring my success, that is just the by product of the real success I experienced.

First, I did something I believed I was not good at doing in the past, and I did it with excellence. Yipeee!

Second, I learned that I am capable of accomplishing ANYTHING, if I truly desired it and dedicated myself to doing it.

Third, I discovered that the key to my success in this new venture was the same thing that I had used in the past to become a successful restaurant manager.

I became a super star restaurant manager by making a decision and commitment to breaking the mold and believing that any limits assumed by others are only their beliefs of what they are capable of doing, and what they are willing to accept and be comfortable with.

I was told that the restaurant I was managing will never be profitable because the highest volume restaurant in the Chicago area within our company was generating a certain number of dollars in sales for the past three years and that even if my restaurant was to reach that plateau in sales, the overhead at my unit was so high that it wouldn’t be profitable.

Within eight months, my restaurant was at break-even point with less sales than the highest volume store. In the next twelve months, it became the highest volume store in the Chicago area surpassing the sales plateau accepted by the others and made a profit of $132,000 for the year. Funny thing is the previously held highest volume sales store had more than a 10% sales growth for the first time in three years. It is amazing what one can accomplish when someone else shatters their illusion of previously held limitations.

What are the illusions under which you are operating?

Don’t worry about HOW you can shatter those illusions. Simply accept that they are illusions and that they can be shattered, and go forth in doing so. You will be amazed by the results you will achieve, and once you have stretched your imagination to encompass the new reality, you would be motivated by the curiosity as to how far you can stretch it further.

The best part of all of this growth, not just in the physical realm, where it is measured in increased productivity and profits, but in the mental realm, where one becomes a person of higher self-worth, is that you have so much fun doing it that you don’t want to stop. You are motivated by the desire to have more and more fun.

Rasheed aka Mister Weirdo

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Private Reply to Rasheed Hooda

Nov 07, 2007 4:25 pmre: Marvelous Monday Motivation#

Cathy Elaine
I enjoyed reading your post. It is truly inspirational, which is not surprising, since you live from inspiration. Thanks for being who you are.

Private Reply to Cathy Elaine

Nov 12, 2007 8:00 amre: re: Marvelous Monday Motivation#

Sharilee Guest
Congratulations on your positive experience of stretching yourself and the positive results it brought!

Thank you for sharing!

Sharilee Guest
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Private Reply to Sharilee Guest

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