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Marvelous Monday Morning MotivationViews: 905
Dec 31, 2007 9:27 amMarvelous Monday Morning Motivation#

Rasheed Hooda
I heard this story on one of the Success Motivation Institutes's tapes that I have.

Many years ago, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale conducted an experiment with some of the members of his congregation. He had ten people write down on a piece of paper what they expected their life to be like in the following year. He sealed the envelopes and put them in the safe.

During the week after Christmas, the following year, he opened these envelopes and have them read their contents. Nine out of the original ten people were there. They were surprised to find that majority of the things on that list had come to pass and others were in the process. Finally he opened the tenth envelope since the person who wrote it wasn't present.

It only had one sentence. "Since no one in my family has ever lived pass the age of fifty, I don't expect to be here by the end of the next year."


I challenge you today, on this last day of the year, to make your list of thing you want to have, do and be in the next year. Put it in writing. There is power in the written word. Share it here on the board, or seal it in an envelope and put it away. But do it!

We will have fun this time next year sharing our successes with the world. Here is my short list.

1. Fulfill ALL my financial obligations, past and present.

2. Move into a 4 BR, two storey house in the chosen neighborhood.

3. Re-establish good relations with ALL my family members.

4. Take two vacations during the summer, one to visit NYU with my daughter, and one to Yellowstone National Park.

5. Attain a healthy and active body with a 32" waist and body weight of 140 lbs.

6. Deliver the "Design Your Life with F.A.I.T.H." speech 50 times.

7. Conduct and Broadcast 50 "Be Your Best" Interviews for my Internet Radio Program.

8. Start a Membership only Website and build it to a level of 1,000 members.

9. Organize and present at least 12 “Claim your Freedom” Seminars.

10. Start two educational IRA's, one for each of my children.

11. Become a Master of Self-Management.

12. Attend at least one "Champs Camp" boot camp for improving my public speaking skills.

13. Earn at least 25% of my income in the form of residual or passive income


Happy New Year

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