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Marvelous Monday MotivationViews: 831
Jan 21, 2008 6:06 pmMarvelous Monday Motivation#

Rasheed Hooda
Marvelous Monday to all.

Life is an amazing journey. Constant twists and turns keeps you both entertained and excited. If there is anything in life that can be considered to a constant, it would have to be change. Change is the only constant in life. It is one of those paradoxes in life.

The new year usually brings about the need and awareness of CONSCIOUS change. Everyone makes plans to make changes in life, and like everything else in life, those plans change. some of the things we intend to change, actually change, while life brings about other changes that we didn't plan on.

I missed sending out a couple of Marvelous Monday Motivational messages, because I was busy handling unexpected changes that life sent my way. One thing is for sure, life will not pass up on an opportunity to help you grow. I am grateful that I was given (some people would say forced to accept) opportunities to journey within and come to terms with some of my weaknesses and battle some of my Gremlins. While I can't say that I have conquered everything, I feel victorious nonetheless having dealt with the situation and come to terms with unexpected changes.

I must take this moment to express my gratitude to my dear friend, partner and mentor Kathleen Jaap for presenting me with challenges in the most loving way possible, and for her support in helping me deal with it. She did it in the only way she knows how. With love and integrity. Thank you Kat!

I have a fresh new outlook on life, one that says "Failure is Impossible" and I wrote an article yesterday about it. The article will be going out next week as the inaugural message in my brand new Newsletter "TransFormAtions" which, by the way will be the new name of THIS network soon. You can subscribe to my newsletter by clicking on my signiture at the end of this message.

Thank you all for being there in my life. My life has been so much better having the opportunity to be of service to you


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